Our Approach

What we do to make organizations successful

When new clients come to CBA, they enter a full cycle of research and evaluation, which leads to a strategy geared towards driving optimal growth. We recommend from our suite of integrated direct marketing products and services, which are customized to set them up for success. Here’s what you can expect when you become a CBA fundraising partner.

First, we get to know you and your donors.

It all starts with our diving into the details of what makes your organization unique. This may simply require a series of conversations, or possibly, a full-scale audit of your current fundraising efforts. We also conduct donor motivation research that surveys prospects and donors about their preferences and attitudes towards your organization. All research is applied towards identifying frequency, strengths and weaknesses and effectiveness … and then advising on whether your current program should be enhanced, or whether a new program should be created. Some clients come to us without an individual giving program in place at all. That’s not a problem; we often design and launch new programs created specifically for new clients.

We then build an individualized plan to fit your needs, giving you the best opportunity to successfully build your donor capabilities, both for the short and long term.

Next, we put our services to work for you.

After our research is complete, we develop a customized strategy, which includes identifying and selecting the most productive audience and the most effective combination of our integrated services – online, direct mail and email – to help your organization achieve its goals and stay within budget. Part of this process includes streamlined production and implementation – from concept to final product – and development of captivating creative designs by our experienced creative team that will “move” your audience to take action and make a donation.

We launch, we learn and we constantly improve.

As soon as possible after a campaign launches, we begin to compile campaign statistics looking for trends and successes. We prepare informative individual campaign promotion reports and – over time – issue cumulative, comparative reports to see how our predictions and budgets are doing over the longterm. We relate the results of direct mail, email and online campaigns as well as telemarketing to see how each medium contributes to the whole.

When it comes to campaign performance, there’s no guessing with CBA – our intelligent reporting practices are designed to help you understand the true impact of your campaigns so we can keep improving together.

Then what?

Finally, we take what we learn and use it to adjust and improve to continually build the most effective, optimized campaigns moving forward. The cycle continues with revised strategies based on our findings.

The goal?

To constantly increase your revenue, improve the health of your donor database and fundraise smarter.

Could your organization use a new approach?